Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tenacious efforts leads to frustration.

Never in my life did I grow this frustrated. Meaning : Someone orders me what to do > I told them many times it's not working > insert-persistent-here > not fucking working > went to sleep in frustration > woke up with a bloody frustrated feeling.

Maybe it's the weather that is making me cranky, but honestly; I don't know. I'm tired of so many things, never did I grow so listless and weeps silently for real and screams in the room. Seriously. Anyway I bet I'm failing in 3-4 subjects but eh the list could go higher. I don't mind, really. Really. /tears

Playing Valkyrie Profile like a boss.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Of linear and non-linear messages.

I decided to change the look of my blog, again, because I felt like I needed something fresh and new for myself. A minimalist design, sure. I fancy those simple things but have this exotic feeling, but I have to admit, it's not really exotic. It's just plain. /stares in dismay

Despite all that, I've took a long break from blogging for too long. To the extend I felt that my English is deteriorating because of my lacking interest and time to blog, perhaps because I ran out of idea to talk about anything because no one actually listens to what people say. But then again, I always wrote things for myself so I'm always bothered by the fact that I am bothered by these tiny matters.

Anyway I'm just here to say the great great great great end of year holiday is coming near, hurrah hurrah. Time to throw a virtual confetti to anyone I know. As much as I plans to do things I like during holiday, I guess the thing I am bothering myself with the most is relearning Chemistry and Biology. I have my great unreliable premonition telling me that I will fail my Biology, Chemistry, Additional Mathematics and History paper. Although, this is only a presumption. God knows what is the result.

I've been looking for inspiration a lot lately- lmao no just kidding, I /tried/ to find some inspiration to draw/write/do artsy thing but alas, I'm having a serious mind block for my creativity. My brain knows when do I still have an 'unfinished business' (known as pending to-do-list and examination, that is) and it won't function properly until I have a decent mood.... a good time and complete list of equipments I need to do my thing. God.

I wish time will move faster for examination to end. But then, I wonder if I really want it to move at all.

P/S : I'm hungry.
P/P/S : I've never been this hungry before.
P/P/P/S : Not sure if hungry or just bored/sleepy.
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